Learn to listen to and trust your own being.
Come to know yourself better and become more accepting of yourself, not as you would like to be but as you actually are.


Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program

Mindfulness based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an evidence-based 8-week program that will teach you specific skills and practices allowing you to anticipate and respond to everyday stress more effectively. It will help you to become more fully present in your life and more aware of how you can care for yourself and others around you.

MBSR was developed around 40 years by Jon Kabat-Zinn, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine and founder of the Centre for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care and Society at the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

Today there are hundreds of trained professionals facilitating this program all over the world and it has become the most successful and well researched stress reduction program to date.

Program participants meet online or in-person for approximately 2.5 hours weekly for 8 weeks and attend a fully guided silent retreat towards the end of the program.

The course includes:

  • Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices
  • Gentle Mindful Movement
  • Group dialogue and discussions aimed at enhancing awareness in everyday life
  • Daily home assignments

Published research over the last 30 years indicates that MBSR may help with:

  • Physical health
  • Reduction in chronic pain and a greater ability to cope with pain
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Stress and burnout
  • Sleep quality

“I have learnt to be kinder to myself and that is possible for me to cope in stressful situations. I can now recognise the symptoms of stress before they take over and totally control me”

Lisa M (Group Participant)

“I have found a different way to deal with conflict and anger and am learning to take care of myself first. I suffer from chronic pain but I have found I can now manage it very much better.”

SV – group participant

It has also been found to enhance mental clarity and help change mindset, attitude and behaviour. Practicing mindfulness can help you to become more aware of your belief systems and habits and once you can see your patterns more clearly you can interrupt them, create new patterns and make change possible.

MBSR courses are offered in person or online in group settings.

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Please enquire for more information or to join the next program.

Client Experiences

The formal meditation practices have completely altered my way of being. Instead of just reacting to stressful situations or getting “caught up”, I come back to my breath and respond differently. My relationship with my husband has improved and I’m having more fun with my kids. I’m also more accepting of myself and my world.

AB – group participant

The course was enormously helpful in helping me manage my anxiety, by calming me and helping me to get out of the funnel of stress. I have learnt to see myself as having a core being that through regular meditation practice can be calm and a source of strength. I have come to realise that I am not my emotions.

CK – group participant

I have discovered that meditation is sustainable and a joy that gives calmness to my day. Being in the moment takes the “frantic” out of the day. I am less reactive to small irritations, more patient with people and I sleep better. My only regret is that I did not do a course like this years ago, this was not something I could have learnt from a book. Meditation has now become a daily routine and gives a lightness and spaciousness to my day.

LB – individual participant